Our Clients Need Your Help!
The housing crisis is real. You can make a huge difference in a recovering person's life.
$18,501 raised
$15,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Dear Partners, Allies, Families and Friends,
What a year this has been, and what memories we will have of a tumultuous 2020! For many in this country, 2020 has been a nightmare: illness, lost jobs, hurricanes and fires, loved ones gone, depression and other health issues. Substance use disorder cases and overdoses rose sharply too, which is understandable given the triggers and stresses that abound in everyday life, compounded by the challenges people face as 2020 draws to a close. This reality sounds pretty bleak, but fortunately there are good people out there, like Home of New Vision’s therapists, case managers and peer recovery coaches, who work hard to help those who need it most.
When the pandemic spread throughout our country and community, we had to rapidly assess our programs and make changes for the safety of our clients and staff. Our ROOT and SBIRT teams masked up, practiced safe distancing and continued to assist overdose patients at the University of Michigan and St. Joseph Mercy hospitals. We reopened our residential treatment program slowly, with a smaller client population and careful screening of residents prior to their admission.Our recovery residences proved the most challenging, as the majority of residents (nearly 30 people) lost their hourly wage jobs because of Covid-19, and almost all became unable to pay rent. But thanks to many of you who already donated, we were able to cover some of that expense for several months. Today we are still battling the same situation and desperately need your help. If you have a little extra, here’s an opportunity to make a huge difference in someone’s life. Please donate to Home of New Vision this holiday season.
Thank you so much for your support, this year and in years past. I cannot express how grateful we are, and how much your donation matters in the lives of recovering people. You really do make a difference! Please help friends and neighbors in our communities who struggle with substance use disorder.
Best wishes for 2021!
Glynis Anderson, LMSW, ACSW
CEO/Founder of Home of New Vision